About Us
I've always wanted a beard. A man's beard says more about him than words ever could. It's a symbol of strength, resilience, and character. However, my journey to growing that coveted beard was more than I had hoped. During my military career, beards were not allowed, and later, as a firefighter and paramedic, they interfered with the use of my protective gear. It was in my late 30's that the opportunity to grow a beard became a reality.
However the path to achieving that full, manly beard came with its fair share of challenges. Like many men, I struggled with areas of my beard where the hair was thin or bald patches where the hair wouldn't grow. I tried countless products available to fix these issues, but they either left my beard and face feeling greasy, weighed down, or had an unpleasant medicinal odor that I couldn't stand. That's when I decided to take matters into my own hands.
I embarked on an in-depth research journey and conducted countless experiments on myself until I formulated the perfect solution. Did I discover a magical elixir that would grow my big, manly beard overnight? No, but I created a formulation that includes ingredients with properties to help encourage hair growth, hydrate and moisturize the skin without that unpleasant greasy feeling, and effectively reduce beard dandruff and itch. To top it off, my creation boasts an incredible scent that's just the right amount of aromatic without being overpowering, leaving everyone around me to notice the newfound confidence that comes with having an impressive beard.